• This book introduces the various aspects of international farm animal protection and wildlife conservation through the lenses of food safety and environmental protection law. Bite-sized chapters focus on a wide range of topics from agrobiodiversity, fishing and aquaculture to pollinators and pesticides, soil management, industrial animal production and transportation, as well as international food trade.

    Animal welfare and biodiversity conservation sit at the core of the selected chapters, each one providing real-world examples to make the complex field easy to understand. Current developments including food safety modernization, block chain, and COVID-19 considerations, are addressed head-on.

    Farm Animal Welfare Law provides a primer for law school courses and masters’ programs, for practitioners, advocates, and animal enthusiasts alike. Through its emphasis on sustainable food production, this book offers a cutting-edge selection of evolving topics at the heart of the pertinent discourse.

  • Table of Contents:

    Part 1 - Marine Animals: Editor Note

    Marine Fishing and Aquaculture: A Global Perspective
    Audrey Amescua

    Perspectives and Predicaments on GE Salmon
    Audrey Amescua 

    Editor Suggestions for Future Discussion: JULIANA v. UNITED STATES

    Part 2 - Bovine Animals: Editor Note

    Textbox: Zoonitic Diseases: When Animals are Sick, People get Sick
    Christian De Laire Mulgrew

    GLOBAL Regulatory Overview of Farm Animal Welfare
    Christian De Laire Mulgrew

    AG-GAG: Agriculture, Whistleblowers, and the 1st Amendment
    Autumn Johnson

    The Disintegration of Bovine Animal Protection: Fundamental Animal Rights vs. Speciesism in Indian Law
    Sahana Ramdas

    Dairy Cows and Goats: Animal Welfare, Sustainability, and the Global Regulatory Environment
    Amanda G. Verkest

    Poultry Welfare Regulation: Lacking Protections for Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, and Geese
    Amanda G. Verkest

    Part 3 - Wildlife, Climate Change, Habitat, and Invasive Species: Editor Note

    Grounding Habitat and Sustainability via Phytoremediation Strategies
    Christian de Laire Mulgrew

    Invasivorism as a Sustainable Strategy to Animal and Resource Exploitation
    Morgan Boutellier

    Managed Bees v Pollinator Welfare
    Sahana Ramdas

    Brazil’s Role in Food Production – Food Security and Sustainability
    Gerardo Figueiredo Junior and Paulo Bellonia

    Land as Carbon Sinks or Pollution Sources: International Pastoral Land Law
    Christian De Laire Mulgrew

    Part 4 – Appendices. Global Legislation on Animal Welfare Overview: Tools for Change
    Morgan Boutellier

    Zoonotic Diseases and Food Safety
    Environmental Protection and Clean Energy Overlaps
    Habitat Loss, Agrobiodiversity, and Incidental Wildlife Loss
    Marine and (Over-)Fishing

  • Dr. Gabriela Steier, LL.M., Esq. is a lawyer, educator, speaker, and scholar focusing on food law and regulation. Her areas of focus are food system regulation in the EU and US, environmental and climate change law. She is a Part-Time Lecturer at Northeastern University, where she teaches several courses on food regulation, food safety modernization, and international food trade. She also teaches as an Adjunct Professor at the Duquesne University School of Law in Pittsburgh, and as a Visiting Professor at the University of Perugia, Italy. As Founder of FoodLawInternational.com, she manages a vast network, hosts lecture series, and promotes academic scholarship in her field. Her recent online course on Udemy and her International Perspectives Column in Quality Assurance Magazine give her far-reaching traction. She has published widely in both textbooks and peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Steier has a BA from Tufts University, a JD from the Duquesne University School of Law, an LL.M. from the Vermont Law School, and a Doctorate in Comparative Law from the University of Cologne, Germany. She is based in Boston, MA.
