Jean-Marie Denoix is the world’s leading equine musculoskesletal system...
Equinos Imagiologia e Diagnostico por Imagem •
CRC Press
In this thoroughly updated and much expanded third edition, this book dive...
Anestesia, Analgesia e Medicina da Dor •
CRC Press
Concise, problem-oriented and accessibly designed, the second edition of the...
Medicina Interna •
CRC Press
This concise handbook provides evidence-based, practical horse nutrition,...
Equinos Nutrição •
CRC Press
This second edition of Small Animal Cytologic Diagnosis presents clinically...
Medicina Laboratorial e Patologia Clínica •
CRC Press
While many terms relate to One Health, the idea remains the same: to think...
Uma Só Saúde (One Health) •
CRC Press
A harmless-looking papilloma on Monday morning, a collapsing Poodle just before...
Medicina Interna •
CRC Press
Since the popular second edition of The Laboratory Swine was published more...
Animais de Produção e Saúde Pública Medicina Laboratorial e Patologia Clínica •
CRC Press
Combining an in-depth exploration of equine behaviour with clinical practice...
Equinos Medicina Comportamental Psiquiatria e Criadores •
CRC Press
The Five Domains of Animal Welfare, when applied to horses, can act as a safe,...
Equinos Medicina Comportamental Psiquiatria e Criadores •
CRC Press