Doenças Infecto-Contagiosas, Parasitárias e Microbiologia
Veterinary Parasitology, 5th Edition
De: Domenico Otranto, Richard Wall
ISBN: 9781394176342
2024, Wiley
Capa dura
Páginas: 896
Doenças Infecto-Contagiosas, Parasitárias e Microbiologia
De: Domenico Otranto, Richard Wall
ISBN: 9781394176342
2024, Wiley
Capa dura
Páginas: 896
The definitive reference for identification, diagnosis, and treatment in veterinary parasitology
Veterinary Parasitology serves as a comprehensive reference on the subject for both specialists and general practitioners. The fifth edition has undergone significant updates to reflect recent advances in research and medical practice. It has been restructured and now more accessible and user-friendly. For ease of reference, the new edition is divided by parasite taxonomy and host species including dogs and cats, equids, cattle, sheep, ungulates, birds, exotics, and laboratory animals. This important field contributes to protecting animal health and welfare, preventing economic losses, ensuring food safety, safeguarding public health, and is an essential component of the One Health approach. As such, the authors cover all major aspects of veterinary parasitology, including biology, diagnostic techniques, drugs, and effective vaccines.
Readers of the fifth edition of Veterinary Parasitology will also find:
Parasites constitute some of the most common cases in veterinary medicine and Veterinary Parasitology is the ideal reference for students and practitioners seeking an easy-to-use listing of all parasites of importance in veterinary practice. It will also appeal to veterinary parasitology specialists and researchers.
Part 1: Parasites and infection
Chapter 1: Veterinary Helminthology
Chapter 2: Veterinary Protozoology
Chapter 3: Veterinary Entomology
Chapter 4: Laboratory diagnosis and identification
Chapter 5: Antiparasitics and resistance
Chapter 6: Innate and acquired resistance, vaccines and alternative approaches to parasite management
Chapter 7: Epidemiology of parasitic disease and the environmental impacts of its management
Part 2: Clinical parasitic disease and treatment
Chapter 8: Parasites of Cattle
Chapter 9: Parasites of Sheep and Goats
Chapter 10: Parasites of Horses
Chapter 11: Parasites of Pigs
Chapter 12: Parasites of Cats and Dogs
Chapter 13: Parasites of Poultry
Chapter 14: Parasites of Ungulates
Chapter 15: Parasites of Laboratory Animals
Chapter 16: Parasites of Exotics
Domenico Otranto, DVM, PhD, DipEVPC, EBVS
Is Professor of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases of Animals at University of Bari, Italy and Distinguished Visiting Professor Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, City University of Hong Kong. He is also President of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP).
Richard Wall, BSc, MBA, PhD, FRES
Is Professor of Zoology at the University of Bristol in the UK, specialising in veterinary entomology.