Improve International Manual of Small Animal Surgery, Volume 1
De: Hannes Bergmann
ISBN: 9781913352004
2019, 5m Books
Capa dura
Páginas: 412
De: Hannes Bergmann
ISBN: 9781913352004
2019, 5m Books
Capa dura
Páginas: 412
Improve International Manual(s) of Small Animal Surgery, Volumes 1 and 2 provide the busy veterinary practitioner with concise and practical advice on all major aspects of small animal surgery.
With a focus on diagnostics, decision making and surgical techniques, each volume provides a step-by-step breakdown of surgical methodology. Pedagogic features include case studies, bullet point summaries, chapter summaries and best practice examples. The book is filled with colour photographs and figures that guide the reader through practice principles. Additionally, contributors with experience gained over numerous years in practice, provide expert guidance and advice.
With chapters authored by authorities in their field, most of them diplomates of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons, the content has been specifically designed to apply to veterinary practice in all global territories and is ESVPS endorsed.
Topics covered in Volume 1 - soft tissue, include: wound management and reconstructive surgery; gastrointestinal, reproduction and urinary tract surgery; oral, abdominal and thoracic surgery and surgery for oncological diseases.
Topics covered in Volume 2 - orthopaedic surgery, include: diseases of the forelimb and hind limb, fracture repair and neurosurgery.
1 Surgical asepsis and basic principles
2 Wound management and reconstructive surgery
3 Surgery of the gastrointestinal tract
4 Surgery of the urinary tract
5 Surgery of the Reproductive Tract
6 Oral and pharyngeal surgery
7 Surgery of the upper airway
8 Surgery of the abdominal cavity
9 Surgery of the thoracic cavity
10 Surgical oncology
Hannes Bergmann
Graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna in 2001 and completed an internship at the School of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. Following research in perioperative pain therapy he achieved his Doctorate degree in 2003. After one year in small animal practice he started a three year residency in Small Animal Surgery at the University of Berne, Switzerland. Hannes has worked in referral practice in the UK since 2007 and became a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons in July 2008.