Animais de Produção e Saúde Pública Animais Exóticos, Selvagens, Silvestres, Aves, Peixes, Mamíferos Marinhos, Zoologia
Veterinary Care of Farm Rabbits A Complete Practice Guide to Rabbit Medicine and Production
De: João Simões, José M. Monteiro
ISBN: 978303445415
2024, Springer
Capa dura
Páginas: 782
- Comprises anatomical basics to emerging topics like Encephalitozoon cuniculi
- Offers richly illustrated sections on rabbit diseases, herd and health management, including necropsy
- Complemented by clinical pathology details with hematological and biochemical values
This holistic guide brings rabbit production science and medicine together. It considers the full spectrum of commercial rabbit husbandry, including intensive, semi-intensive, and organic systems for meat, fur and leather. Drawn from an international authorship, the book addresses practical and fundamental topics. In comprehensive sections, readers will find easy-to-read chapters on:
• rabbit breeds, anatomy essentials and lagomorph physiology
• rabbit production with details on animal facilities and farm design, international trading, rabbit meat processing and biosafety, including a vivid appendix on meat inspection
• rabbit herd and health management, considering latest findings in welfare and behavior, preventive medicine, antimicrobial resistance and demedication to necropsy and specimen collection
• significant rabbit diseases, covering encephalitozoonosis cuniculi, rabbit enteropathies, and many more
• complete veterinary treatment, supplemented by reference ranges and interpretation of hematological and biochemical values
Besides an increasing keeping of pet rabbits, the animals are gaining interest for sustainable food production, leading to a rise in farming in various parts of the world. In this context, the present guide provides valuable contributions for consulting veterinarians and students, industry professionals, breeders and technicians, as well as for experts from the small and companion animal sector.The relevance of rabbit farming from the viewpoints of greenhouse gas reduction and sustainable use of ecological resources (use of local feed) also creates useful links for readers interested in the sustainable development goals SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).
- Front Matter
Pages i-xv
- Rabbit Breed and Anatomy Essentials
- Front Matter
Pages 1-1
- Introductory Chapter: The Domestic Rabbit and Farm Management
- João Simões, José Manuel Monteiro
Pages 3-18
- Anatomical Features of Rabbits
- Carlos Venâncio, Maria da Conceição Fontes, João Simões
Pages 19-41
- Physiological Features of Rabbits
- José Júlio Martins, João Simões, Carlos Venâncio, Maria José Saavedra, Maria da Conceição Fontes
Pages 43-63
- Rabbit Production
- Front Matter
Pages 65-65
- Worldwide Rabbit Meat Trade
Pages 67-92
- Rabbit Farming: Industrial, Small-Scale, and Organic Housing Systems
- Luiz Carlos Machado, João Simões
Pages 93-113
- Rabbit Farming: Indoor Microclimate
- Luiz Carlos Machado, João Simões
Pages 115-133
- Rabbit Farming: Cages and Related Equipment
- Luiz Carlos Machado, João Simões
Pages 135-154
- Welfare, Behavior, and Housing of Rabbits
- Carmen Cano, Patricia Carulla, Arantxa Villagrá
Pages 155-187
- Welfare Protocols for Rabbits
- Mariana Almeida, Severiano R. Silva
Pages 189-200
- Rabbit Nutrition and Feeding
- Victor Pinheiro, Thierry Gidenne
Pages 201-234
- Reproduction in the Female Rabbit
- Rosa M. Garcia-Garcia, Daniela Jordán-Rodriguez, Pedro L. Lorenzo, Pilar G. Rebollar, María Arias-Alvarez
Pages 235-268
- The Rabbit Male Reproduction
- Cesare Castellini, Simona Mattioli, Alessandro Dal Bosco, Giulia Collodel
Pages 269-294
- Assisted Reproductive Technologies
- Rosa M. Garcia-Garcia, Daniela Jordán-Rodríguez, Silvia Gimeno-Martos, Pilar G. Rebollar, Pedro L. Lorenzo, María Arias-Alvarez
Pages 295-315
- Rabbit Meat Processing and Safety
- Pramila Umaraw, Akhilesh K. Verma, V. P. Singh, Pavan Kumar, N. Mehta, Devendra Kumar
Pages 317-335
- Assessing Rabbit Body and Carcass Traits with Non-invasive and Non-destructive Image Techniques
- Severiano R. Silva, Tamás Donkó
Pages 337-353
- Rabbit Skins and Furs: Production, Properties, and Potentiality as Raw Materials for Tanning and Other Industries
Pages 355-376
- Rabbit Herd and Health Management and Diseases
- Front Matter
Pages 377-377
- Rabbit Herd and Health Management and Diseases
- Preventive Medicine and Rabbit Health Management
- Filipe Fontes Pinto, Tomás Rodrigues Magalhães, Ricardo Marcos, Joana Abrantes, Mariana Marrana, José Manuel Monteiro et al.
Pages 379-407
- Administration of Antimicrobials and Resistance in Food-Producing Rabbits: Dietary Supplements as Potential Alternatives
- Carla Miranda, Gilberto Igrejas, Patrícia Poeta
Pages 409-430
- Respiratory Complex in Rabbits (Pasteurellosis)
- João Simões, Sónia Saraiva, Maria da Conceição Medeiros Castro Fontes, José Manuel Monteiro, Teresa Tavares
Pages 431-445
- Rabbit Enteric Syndrome
- João Simões, José Manuel Monteiro, Teresa Tavares, Maria da Conceição Fontes
Pages 447-459
- Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy (ERE)
- Teresa Tavares, José Manuel Monteiro, Maria da Conceição Fontes, João Simões
Pages 461-472
- Escherichia coli in the Rabbit: Commensal or Pathogenic
- Fábio Abade dos Santos, Teresa Tavares, Laurentina Pedroso, Ângela Dâmaso, José Manuel Monteiro
Pages 473-487
- Clostridium spp. in Rabbits: The Underappreciated Killer
- Teresa Tavares, Ângela Dâmaso, Laurentina Pedroso, Maria da Conceição Fontes, Fábio Abade dos Santos, João Simões et al.
Pages 489-506
- Staphylococcosis in Rabbits and Rabbitries
- Teresa Tavares, João Simões, José Manuel Monteiro, Juan Manuel Corpa
Pages 507-519
- Rabbit Viral Diseases: Myxomatosis and Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease
- Margarida D. Duarte, Teresa Fagulha, Margarida Henriques, Silvia Barros, Fernanda Ramos, Ana Duarte et al.
Pages 521-541
- Rabbit Viral Diseases (II): Other Viruses
- Margarida Duarte, Teresa Fagulha, Margarida Henriques, Silvia Barros, Fernanda Ramos, Ana Duarte et al.
Pages 543-560
- Dermatophytosis in Rabbits
- Ana Cláudia Coelho, Daniel Morais, José Manuel Monteiro, João Simões
Pages 561-578
- Encephalitozoon cuniculi: An Emergent Pathogen
- Ana Cláudia Coelho, Ana Patrícia Lopes, Daniel Morais, Filipa Teixeira Rodrigues, José Manuel Monteiro, Luís Cardoso
Pages 579-614
- Rabbit Coccidiosis
- Ana Patrícia Lopes, João Simões
Pages 615-635
- Major Endoparasitoses in Rabbits: oxyuriosis and Metacestodosis
- João Simões, Ana Patrícia Lopes
Pages 637-657
- Ectoparasitoses in Rabbits
- Filipa Teixeira Rodrigues, João Simões, Ana Patricia Antunes Lopes
Pages 659-690
- Mycotoxin Effects and Risk Management in Rabbit Production
Pages 691-703
- Insights into Clinical Pathology of Rabbits
- Madalena Ferreira, Felisbina Queiroga, Ana C. Silvestre-Ferreira
Pages 705-729
- Necropsy and Sample Collection in Rabbits
- Justina Prada, Isabel Pires
Pages 731-755
- Back Matter
Pages 757-782
João Simões
Is a Professor of Large Animal Medicine and Reproduction at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD). As a clinician and academic, he has dedicated 27 years of his professional career to veterinary students and producers, and collaborated with national and European animal production associations. On the basis of this work experience and research, he has written numerous scientific and technical publications. In recent years, he has also edited several books and special issues on animal production and veterinary medicine for scientific journals.
José Manuel Monteiro, DVM,
Graduated at UTAD, Portugal, in 1999. After working with rabbits, pigs and cattle, his professional activity has been exclusively dedicated to clinical support and preventive medicine of rabbit farms in Portugal and Spain. He served as the technical director of Sumicor Portugal, Lda. (2004-2018) and Coren Agroindustrial S.A.U. – Spain (2010-2018). In 2019, he created an owner enterprise (José Azevedo Monteiro, Lda., Portugal) to provide veterinary assistance to Iberian rabbit farms. Concomitantly, he keeps a close relationship with universities (UTAD, Lusofona University) and research institutions (INIAV) contributing to research and high-education in the field.