Veterinary Assisting Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd Edition
De: Beth Vanhorn
ISBN: 9781305499218
2022, Cengage
Capa mole
Páginas: 896
De: Beth Vanhorn
ISBN: 9781305499218
2022, Cengage
Capa mole
Páginas: 896
Designed in accordance with NAVTA-AVA model curriculum, Vanhorn's VETERINARY ASSISTING: FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS, 2ND EDITION, offers a well-rounded, comprehensive approach to learning the skills needed in today's field. The book begins with basic veterinary medical terminology and office procedures before progressing to more advanced skills such as nursing care and radiology. The section on animal production and management covers companion animals, large animals and exotic animals, while a separate section focuses on general anatomy and physiology of each body system, along with related disease processes. Clinical scenarios vividly illustrate how chapter concepts apply in real-world practice. In addition, the MindTap digital platform propels your students from memorization to mastery and gives you complete control of your course
1. Veterinary Medical Terminology and Abbreviations.
2. Medical Records.
3. Scheduling Appointments and Computer Applications.
4. Veterinary Careers.
5. Communication and Client Relations.
6. Veterinary Ethics and Legal Issues.
7. Veterinary Safety and Aseptic Techniques.
8. Dog Breed Identification and Production Management.
9. Cat Breed Identification and Production Management.
10. Avian Breed Identification and Production Management.
11. Pocket Pet Identification and Production Management.
12. Rabbit Breed Identification and Production Management.
13. Reptile and Amphibian Identification and Production Management.
14. Ornamental Fish and Aquaculture Identification and Production Management.
15. Zoo, Exotic and Wildlife Identification and Production Management.
16. Laboratory and Animal Research Identification and Production Management.
17. Beef and Dairy Cattle Breed Identification and Production Management.
18. Equine and Draft Breed Identification and Production Management.
19. Swine Breed Identification and Production Management.
20. Sheep Breed Identification and Production Management.
21. Goat Breed Identification and Production Management.
22. Poultry Breed Identification and Production Management.
23. The Structure of Living Things.
24. The Musculoskeletal System.
25. The Digestive System.
26. The Circulatory System.
27. The Respiratory System.
28. The Endocrine System.
29. The Renal System.
30. The Reproductive System.
31. The Immune System.
32. The Nervous System.
33. The Sensory System.
34. Animal Nutrition.
35. Microbiology and Parasitology as Disease Processes.
36. Basic Veterinary Restraint and Handling Procedures.
37. Physical Examination Procedures and Patient History.
38. Veterinary Assistant Procedures.
39. Laboratory Procedures.
40. Radiology and Imaging Procedures.
41. Pharmacy Procedures.
42. Surgical Assisting Procedures.
Beth Vanhorn
Dauphin County Technical School, Veterinary Assistant Program
Beth Vanhorn, AS, is a certified veterinary technician with more than 20 years of professional experience. When hired by the Dauphin County Technical School in 2005, she hit the ground running by outlining a curriculum for the Veterinary Assistant Program. In addition, she is the instructor for its NAVTA/AVA-accredited Adult Education Veterinary Assistant Program. Since 2012, she also has served as a full-time Practice Manager and CVT in a Banfield Pet Hospital.