The Equine Distal Limb: An Atlas of Clinical Anatomy and Comparative Imaging, 1st Edition
De: Jean-Marie Denoix
ISBN: 9781840760019
2000, CRC Press
Capa dura
Páginas: 400
De: Jean-Marie Denoix
ISBN: 9781840760019
2000, CRC Press
Capa dura
Páginas: 400
Jean-Marie Denoix is the world’s leading equine musculoskeletal system anatomist and has become one of the foremost equine diagnostic ultrasonographers. There is therefore nobody better to compile a reference atlas of the clinical anatomy of the foot, pastern and fetlock, correlated with images obtained by radiography, diagnostic ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. Advanced imaging techniques require in depth knowledge of anatomy for accurate interpretation and especially when using magnetic resonance imaging this must be a 3-dimensional concept of anatomy.
This book provides a unique contribution and is an invaluable reference text. The image quality is extraordinarily high and the multiple views of each area of the distal limb provide an extremely detailed evaluation. Each part opens with a characteristically superb anatomical drawing by the author. Each spread of pages deals with a single dissection viewed by means of colour photographs, labelled black and white equivalents, plus x-rays, ultrasound and MRI scans as required. The book is designed for maximum clarity using a generous page size. The atlas is essential for anybody involved in detailed anatomical study, complex lameness evaluation or advanced imaging techniques.
The Equine Foot: Dissections of the equine foot. Sagittal and parasagittal sections of the equine foot. Transverse sections of the Equine Foot. Frontal sections of the equine foot.
The Equine Pastern: Dissections of the equine pastern. Sagittal and parasagittal sections of the equine pastern. Transverse sections of the equine pastern. Frontal sections of the equine pastern.
The Equine Fetlock: Dissections of the equine fetlock. Sagittal and parasagittal sections of the equine fetlock. Transverse sections of the equine fetlock. Frontal sections of the equine fetlock.
Jean-Marie Denoix
Professor, DVM, Phd, Assoc. LA-ECVDI, DACVSMR, Certified in Equine Locomotor Pathology (ISELP) President
Dr. Denoix of the CIRALE (Center of Imaging and Research on Equine Locomotor Affections) in Normandy, France is considered the world’s foremost equine musculoskeletal system anatomist as well as a leading equine diagnostic ultrasonographer. Dr. Denoix is a founder and current president of ISELP and was also the 2006 recipient of the Schering Plough Equine Research Award from the World Equine Veterinary Association for outstanding applied research work in Equine Diagnostic Imaging. Jean-Marie has been the invited speaker at many international meetings in more than 30 countries around the world on topics related to clinical examination and imaging of equine locomotor problems.