Practical Handbook of Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery, 1st Edition
De: Vanna Dickerson, Kelley Thieman Mankin
ISBN: 9781032489629
2025, CRC Press
Capa mole
Páginas: 224
De: Vanna Dickerson, Kelley Thieman Mankin
ISBN: 9781032489629
2025, CRC Press
Capa mole
Páginas: 224
This concise, image-heavy text provides a step-by-step guide to perform common surgical procedures encountered in small animal general practice. A resource for busy practitioners as well as upper-level undergraduate veterinary students, it offers a “how to” with tips and tricks. Select surgical procedures are broken down into steps, including suggested suture materials and patterns.
The spiralbound, portable format allows practitioners to reference the book, open, during surgery. The bullet-point presentation also enables fast review of “need to know” information prior to entering the operating room. Highlights include:
· Over 240 high quality images
· Practical stepwise information
· Key tips for each procedure
Busy private practitioners, especially early career, frequently need a quick refresh on the specific procedure they’re about to perform or are performing. This book simply explains the procedure, some common pitfalls, and how to avoid them. An accompanying online video also aids vets and students in visualizing the surgery.
Approaches and Instrumentation.
Chapter 1: Standard Instrumentation for Soft Tissue Surgery.
Chapter 2: Exploratory Laparotomy Approaches.
Gastrointestinal Surgery.
Chapter 3: Gastrotomy.
Chapter 4: Gastropexy.
Chapter 5: Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus.
Chapter 6: Enterotomy.
Chapter 7: Linear Foreign Bodies.
Chapter 8: Intestinal Resection and Anastomosis.
Chapter 9: Intussusception.
Chapter 10: Rectal Prolapse.
Chapter 11: Small Intestinal Biopsy.
Other Abdominal Procedures.
Chapter 12: Liver Biopsy.
Chapter 13: Splenectomy.
Urogenital Surgery.
Chapter 14: Cystotomy.
Chapter 15: Retropulsion of Urethral Stones.
Chapter 16: Ovariohysterectomy/Ovariectomy.
Chapter 17: Pyometra.
Chapter 18: Cesarean Section.
Chapter 19: Canine Neuter.
Chapter 20: Neuter with Scrotal Ablation.
Chapter 21: Cryptorchid Neuter.
Chapter 22: Perineal Urethrostomy.
Chapter 23: Scrotal Urethrostomy.
Chapter 24: Nephrectomy.
Chapter 25: Thoracic Limb Amputation.
Chapter 26: Pelvic Limb Amputation.
Chapter 27: Digit Amputation.
Chapter 28: Tail Amputation.
Chapter 29: Umbilical Hernias.
Chapter 30: Diaphragmatic Hernias.
Chapter 31: Inguinal Hernias.
Chapter 32: Principles of Skin/Subcutaneous Mass Removals.
Chapter 33: Tie-Over Bandage Placement.
Vanna Dickerson
Is originally from Georgia, where she began her veterinary career working as an assistant at a local general practice for nearly a decade. After completing her undergraduate studies at the University of North Georgia, she completed her DVM at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine followed by a small animal rotating internship at Friendship Hospital for Animals in Washington, DC. After her internship she returned to the University of Georgia for a research fellowship and small animal surgical residency, where her passion for all things soft tissue surgery blossomed! She is currently an assistant professor of small animal soft tissue and minimally invasive surgery at Texas A&M University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, where she has worked since completing residency in 2019. She enjoys spending time with her clowder of cats, dog, and her daughter.
Kelley Thieman Mankin
Grew up in Michigan, where she developed a love of animals and a desire to care for them. After completing her undergraduate studies and DVM at the University of Missouri, she completed a small animal rotating internship at the University of Tennessee. After her internship, she completed a combined residency and master’s program at the University of Florida. During her residency, she realized her love of soft tissue surgery. She currently works with Dr. Dickerson as an associate professor of small animal soft tissue and minimally invasive surgery at Texas A&M University.