Animais de Produção e Saúde Pública Cirurgia Geral e Ortopédica
Noordsy's Food Animal Surgery, 6th Edition
De: Joseph W. Lozier (Editor), Andrew J. Niehaus (Editor)
ISBN: 9781119930341
2025, Wiley
Capa dura
Páginas: 372
Animais de Produção e Saúde Pública Cirurgia Geral e Ortopédica
De: Joseph W. Lozier (Editor), Andrew J. Niehaus (Editor)
ISBN: 9781119930341
2025, Wiley
Capa dura
Páginas: 372
Fully updated new edition of a classic quick reference to common surgical procedures in farm animals
Noordsy's Food Animal Surgery, Sixth Edition is a classic quick reference to surgical procedures in livestock and companion farm animals. With a practical outline format, this book makes it easy to locate essential information on common surgical techniques, presenting 39 chapters across 6 sections for ease of navigation. The book is a helpful memory refresher for procedures or species encountered less frequently, enabling readers to build confidence in learning new surgical techniques.
Chapters review presurgical preparation, perioperative care and restraint, and surgical procedures of the major body systems, and the Sixth Edition has been updated throughout to remove outdated procedures and equipment, making way for new techniques and a focus on evidence-based best practices. Most illustrations have been updated to more accurately depict anatomy, providing surgeons with a clearer understanding of how to perform the procedures, and numerous clinically relevant photographs and illustrations have been added to better convey concepts and techniques.
A companion website allows readers to view and download figures from the text and contains study questions from the end of each chapter along with the answers to those questions.
Noordsy's Food Animal Surgery includes information on:
Noordsy's Food Animal Surgery is an essential resource for veterinary students and large animal practitioners who care for farm animals.
Joseph W. Lozier, DVM, MS, DACVS-LA
Is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Andrew J. Niehaus, DVM, MS, DACVS-LA
Is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, USA.