• This second edition is an improved revision of the first edition in which two new chapters have been added (Chapter 16 is an atlas of transverse sections of the dog’s head, and Chapter 17 is an MRI atlas of the axial muscles and the vertebral column). I have also added new videos, images and few modifications in the text. The app was updated. Some of them were the result of new dissections.

    The book covers the fundamentals neuroanatomy aspects of the dog's nervous system, with specific references to the cat, that a neurologist should know. Following the purpose of elaborating a practical approach to the neuroanatomy, numerous macroscopic dissections have been made and with the use of binocular zoom stereo macroscope for small areas never shown before. The text is completed with histological and MR images. For the white matter of the cerebrum, nerve fiber dissections have been performed following a successive freeze and thaw process. For a better three-dimensional understanding of the dissections, 135 videos are included in the chapters and are accessible by QR.

    The book has been divided into 16 chapters, beginning with general principles (chapter 1) analyzing the need to have a nervous system and its function. It is followed by a chapter on development (chapter 2) that ranges from neurulation to malformations. The parts of the nervous system have been divided into 11 chapters (chapters 3 to 13) that include numerous images and videos of dissections. This is followed by a chapter on the biophysical principles of MR imaging (chapter 14) and a chapter that includes an atlas of MRI and two videos of cross-sections of the brain (chapter 15). The book ends with a chapter intended for beginner students on how to localize neurological lesions, followed by cases on videos as an exercise in which the reader should try to localize the lesion (chapter 16).

    The neuroanatomy is the cornerstone of neurology upon to build the necessary knowledge to understand the function and the disorders of the nervous system. However, the huge amount of names and connections make the study of the nervous system confusing and, sometimes, prevent from recalling the essential concepts. The aim of this web is to provide the neurologists, residents and undergraduates with a source of detailed information, that can be updated easily, to understand the functional organisation of the nervous system.

    ​The contents are described in the chapter of the book (Neuroanatomy of the dog) and in the neuroanatomy videos. To reinforce the neuroanatomical information through a three-dimensional approach, the images in the book are combined with 135 videos accessible with a QR.

    ​In recent years the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is frequently used in the diagnosis of neurologic disorders. For this reason a chapter about the basic physics of this technique has been included as well as an MRI atlas of the dog's head.

    ​I encourage the viewers to contact me for new ideas, approaches or errors to be rectified, and I thank all the colleagues and the students whose enthusiasm and interest have been my best reward.

    ​All the dissections were conducted by the author on embalmed dogs used for teaching Anatomy for the Veterinary Curriculum at the Universidad Autónoma (Barcelona-Spain). The euthanasia was performed according to the European guidelines.

    Vicente Aige Gil, DVM, PhD

    Associate Professor of Anatomy, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Barcelona. Spain

  • 1 - General principles

    2 - Development

    3 - Cerebrum

    4 - Cerebellum

    5 - Brain stem

    6 - Brain blood vessels

    7 - Choroid plexuses and CSF

    8 - Spinal cord morphology

    9 - Spinal cord meninges

    10 - Spinal cord blood vessels

    11- Cranial nerves

    12 - Spinal nerves

    13 - Autonomic nervous system

    14 - Basic Physics of MRI

    15 - MRI of the Dog’s head

    16 - Transverse head sections

    17 - MRI of the axial muscles

    18 - The neurological examination

  • Vicente Aige Gil, DVM, PhD

    Associate Professor of Anatomy Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Barcelona. Spain

    Graduated in Veterinary Medicine (1985), he was appointed a tenure-track position teaching anatomy at the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) and obtained his PhD (1988), with cum laude, with a thesis on the pineal gland of the chick embryo. After a post-doc research at the Universities of Reading (UK) and Guelph (Canada), and being a visiting professor at the Veterinary School of Glasgow (Scotland), he was appointed as senior lecturer / associate professor of veterinary anatomy at the Veterinary Faculty of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). He is a member of the American Association of Veterinary Anatomists (AAVA) and an invited neuroanatomy lecturer in courses and seminars national and international.
